Monday, May 25, 2009

Different Models For Making Money On The Internet

There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options:
Strategy 1: Affiliate marketing
This is probably the quickest and easiest. You don't need to get your own products - you simply sell other people's products and services. You don't even need a merchant account, and it's possible to start out without even having your own website (but if you are serious about affiliate marketing you will have to build websites).

For a list of top affiliate programs go to: If you don't know what affiliate programs are you can get a free course which explains what they are by sending a blank email to:
Strategy 2: Writing an ebook or other type of information product, recording an information CD set or shooting a DVD/video series.
This is a great strategy because there are infinite possibilities for the type of product that you can create. There are so many niche markets that you can write about: It could be a course on Japanese gardens, How to start your own babysitting business, How to sell your paintings or artwork … there are thousands of possibilities and many that have not yet been touched by online marketers. Of course you don't have to write the information yourself, you can get a ghost writer or hire someone to produce the DVD. It is easy to find these people, for example you can go to By the way if you are intending to go down this track then you should definitely check out the Bill Myers membership site ( which has the best information on this area.
Strategy 3: Search Engine Optimization.
Learn how to get a site to the top of the search engines and make money on the site by promoting affiliate programs or by Google Adsense. I have included this as a business method because there are some people who focus just on Search Engine Optimization and do nothing else.
Strategy 4: Drop-shipping.
You can develop a relationship with a manufacturer so that you can get orders for their product on the Internet; you process their credit card and then just send their details to the manufacturer who sends the product directly to the customer's door.
Strategy 5: Joint Ventures.
Similar to affiliate marketing, but with this strategy you set up relationships with people who have products that they sell online.
Strategy 6: Lead Generation.
You create sites that generate leads for companies online. For example, you create leads for mortgage brokers; you give them the details of the people who are interested in getting a new mortgage and you get paid for each person. The mortgage broker will then call the lead and try to sell them on their particular mortgage offer.
Strategy 7: Email marketing.
Of course you need to stay away from spam, and new legislation makes it more difficult for legitimate opt in email marketers, but this is still a highly effective way to make money on the Internet. Don't try email marketing if you don't know what you are doing - don't even think about buying a list of emails and sending out a promotional message unless you know exactly what you are doing. You have to know that any emails you have are legit and ‘opt in'.
Strategy 8: Selling software or software services.
…Another great way to make money online.
Strategy 9: Selling services online.
For example you could start a site providing niche legal services or doing web design. This is ok, but it is not as highly leveraged and automated as other Internet businesses.
Strategy 10: Selling your own products online.
This is the option that 90% of businesses pursue online. It also has less leverage and is more difficult to automate than other Internet businesses.
Strategy 11: Domain name strategies.
You can make money buying and selling domain names (although this strategy is quite difficult nowadays). You can also buy expired domains with existing traffic, you can buy domains with misspellings in order to get free drive-by traffic.
Strategy 12: Buying websites.
You can buy websites that have good positions in the search engines but are not utilizing their positions very effectively, and you can improve the marketing and utilization of their site and make money. This is a very powerful strategy if you do it correctly.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blog Revenue Ideas

Are you lookin for ways to add revenue to your blog, instead of (or in addition to) AdSense ads from Google? Here are two suggestions.
The first service is called BlogAds ( ) They offer 20% of the ad fee to the blogger. Even better, it looks like they love blogs, and are willing to help make their partners successful.
The second service is called rssads ( ). This service isn't up and running yet, but they have their sales site up. They will be selling ads that appear in the body of a partner's RSS feed (your blog posts). The entire post will appear in your subscriber's news reader program, instead of a short paragraph. This would make sure that the ads get in front of your readers, but I'm wondering if the reader will be as excited about it as they are. It will be interesting to see if this one flies.
Another option that website owners use (and it would work for bloggers as well), is selling text ads. In this system, you don't have a script on your page that serves ads from Google or wherever. Instead, the ad buyer comes to you and offers to buy space for a text link. You can set this up yourself, with a subscription payment handled by>/span> Read More..

Easy Tips To Avoid Google Click Fraud

Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account terminated. I read on the forums almost daily posts from people who are bemoaning the fact that Google has terminated their account when they feel they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. In almost every case, click fraud is the reason for termination.
Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many website owners are aware of this fraud, and share the same sentiment that this is the one big problem that Adsense is facing.
How do you prevent yourself from being involved in this fraud?
The majority of web hosts offer access logs. If you are notified of click fraud and possible termination of your account by Google, it is necessary that you hand over these logs to them to clarify your situation. This allows them to look for any suspicious activity on your site. Problems like this are very serious and giving it to them is a show of good faith that you want to help Google in any way you can to attempt to solve the problem.
It can also help if you have a click monitoring software. There are many good programs available, but it is important that you get a program that has no limitations. there are free programs available, but I would suggest that you get a script from a certified expert in this field. I highly recommend using William Bontrager's script, available at Mr Bontrager will install this script on one site for you after the purchase of the software, and will show you how to add the script to other sites. Free scripts are also available on the Internet if you are limited in funds. Remember, you get what you pay for. As usual, all the information you will receive from your tracking software should be turned over to Google. This is showing Google that you too are fighting against click frauds and is in no way a part of it.
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Top 5 Secrets to Making Money with Adsense

Did someone tell you you can make money easily with Google Adsense? Did they tell you that to put up a site and people will click on the ads and you can make hundreds of dollars per day?
Maybe that's true, for them, because they have a system to make this happen. They may have omitted how to make and Adsense site successful. In this article I will highlight the most important points to make your site successful.
5. Position your ads so that they look as if they are part of the content.
Position your ads so that the ads are in the visitor's field of vision. Although, you might think that putting the ads in the right and left columns keep your site clean, the clickthrough is not as effective as putting them in between the content. Look at your newspapers classifieds. Notice how many of the ads are surrounded by the actual articles? Same concepts apply here. At the very least do some of both.
4. Don't make the ads look like Ads!
People get turned off by ads with borders. We are psychologically trained to think that anything surrounded with a border is probably an ad. Look at all the print media and all over the web, and you'll notice that most ads have borders that alert visitors that they are ads. This is NOT what You want to do!
Go in your Google Adsense Layout tool and change the border colors and backgrounds to match your website colors. This will make them look like they are part of your site not ads. I cannot emphasize this enough.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top Paying Adsense Keywords

Google adsense has been a magnificent way for webmasters to increase their revenue because they can turn their traffic into money. The more traffic you have, the more potential you have for earning money.

Many sites on the Internet, including mine, give out information on the top paying adsense keywords. These are the keywords that have been bid on the most on Google Adwords or Miva etc. It must be said though that the figure advertisers are bidding for these keywords is nowhere near what you will receive as a webmaster.

For example, let's take the keyphrase "Car Insurance". Advertisers are bidding between $42.53 - $53.95 for this keyphrase. Before you work out roughly how much you could earn, you need to do the following:

1. Make sure that your website contains lots of content surrounding your chosen keyword. Do not put in the keyphrase hundreds of times; just make sure that you have evenly 'sprinkled' your phrase in your content. It needs to read well, and it needs to be informative to your visitors.

2. Make sure that your keyphrase is in your main heading

3. Make sure, if you can, that your keyphrase is your subheading. For numbers 2 & 3, you can add other words to your heading and subheading, but just make sure that your phrase is within it.
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5Way to Make Money

1. Sell your own product.
It has been said that everyone is an expert on something. Think about the things you know well, and ask yourself whether someone would be interested in learning that. Alternatively, if you feel you are not an expert in anything that people would pay to learn about, then spend some time doing research. Once you have the information on hand, put it into an e-book, or better still put it on audio or video files. Create a sales page for it, and a page from which people can download the product, then promote it and wait for the sales.

Pros: You have complete control over everything - product, price, sales pitch, the lot. You also have a unique product that is being sold by you alone (and your affiliates, should you choose to develop an affiliate program.)

Cons: There can be a great deal of work involved, not only creating the product but in testing the sales copy and promoting the site.

Tip: You don't have to do everything yourself. Outsource wherever possible.

2. Sell someone else's product. For a relatively small amount, you can purchase a product with Resale Rights. This means that you can legally sell the product to other people. You still need to build a sales page and download page, and you still need to promote the site. The only difference from selling your own product is that you have not had to create it.

Pros: You do not have the work of researching and creating the product.

Cons: Potentially thousands of other internet marketers are selling the same product. However, this does not have to be as great a problem as it might seem at first. Think of it this way: if you were selling a physical book, would your bookshop be the only one selling that title? Of course not!

Tip: Often Resale Rights products come with a pre-made web site. Don't use it. It's ok for your product to be available in a zillion places on the web, but your salesletter should be yours and yours alone.
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Title Tag Tips

Your title tag is the "headline" that people will see in the search results. It's also one of the primary factors for the search engines in determining your ranking for a given search phrase, although that's declining in importance.
I like to follow a few basic rules when writing title tags...

1. Keep in mind that only 65 characters or so will display in Google search results, so I keep my titles shorter than that when possible. This makes for a nice headline for the SERPS, and prevents the title from being cut off in mid senten...

2. Write the title in plain English, using proper grammar, make it easily readable, and not just stuff a jumble of keywords in there. Remember this is the headline for your search listing. As a headline, it should captivate the readers attention and motivate them to click. What do you think is more effective to draw in a customer..."Cleveland Real Estate - Joe Blow" or "Cleveland Real Estate - Secrets to Saving Money" ?

3. A Common Trend Seems to be Capitalizing Important Words. I like that and it makes your listing stand out from the crowd, but technically, will not help (or hurt) your rankings. Standing out from the crowd is important. I don't recommend using all caps though, because like emails written in all caps, it's considered improper.

4. I still use my primary keyphrase (unique for each page) in the title tag when possible, and I also prefer it at the front. Although a well designed content rich website that is properly "themed" can still rank well without having the keyword in the title, the odds are still in your favor if you do use the primary phrase in your title tag.

5. Your company name should be dead last (if it's even used at all) unless you're a well known brand. Sure it's a nice ego boost to see your name in the bolded search results, but nobody is likely searching for you by name. By using your company name in the title tag, you're likely wasting space that could otherwise be used for another persuasive key word or phrase. What do you want customers or bragging rights?
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Google Adsense And ClickBank Pay Per Click Ads

One of the biggest trends over the last few years has been the explosion of websites built to take advantage of the Google AdSense system. And when someone clicks on the AdSense ads that you display, a few cents tumble into your account. If you have sites earning money with AdSense you'll know why it is such a good idea.
Then there’s ClickBank.
The hottest and most well known affiliate programs network. ClickBank is one of the major players in affiliate marketing online and show every sign of growing in popularity, strength and power in the market.
Clickbank has been around for years and has earned an excellent reputation online. They work as a payment processor and an affiliate program all rolled into one.
Now the most obvious fact with Google AdSense is that you have no idea how much you will get paid for each ad clicked. And while you can get occasional clicks worth a dollar or more, most bring you only a few cents. A more detailed version of this subject can be obtained by going here
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Make Money With Google AdSense

What is AdSense? earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site. In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.

This program is called AdSense.
Every website owner should at least consider the program. Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.
So if you are one of those people that doesn't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.
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